Abstract of two Taufscheins, Streher and Huber, from York County, Pennsylvania / owned by Mrs. J. Edgar Oller
Abstracts of some documents concerning Frederick Eugene Francis, Baron de Beelen-Bertholff, Seigneur d'Overhem, d'Opvelt, de Neervelp et de Willebringen / by Henry James Young
Abstracts of wills of the Hess families of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania / Henry James Young, researcher
Contents: v. 1. Smith and Schmidt; Noel-Noell-Nell
v. 2. Mansperger, Maughlin and Marlin, Palmer, Leininger, Weaverling, Chambers, Welsh and Spangler, Kissinger
v. 3. King, Rex, Bechtel, Bentz-Pentz, Lerew and Larew
v. 4. Alexander, Collins, Bott, Brungart, Doudel, Hassler, David Grier, Haas-Hass-Hose, Ickes, Hart, Ebert
v. 5. Foltz and Fultz, Emig, Flinchbaugh, Fenstermacher of Lancaster Co., Garrett family of Baltimore Co., Maryland, Hamilton, Goetz, Getz and Gates, Miller, Föhl
v. 6. Wahl and Wall, Treichler and Dreichler, Thomas, Dohm and Toomey, Stauffer, Rohrbach and Robach
v. 7. Baker and Becker, Croft and Kraft, Bentzel, Runk
v. 8. John Fisher and Barbara Lightner, Kline and Little, Wilson-Willson
v. 9. Wintrode, Fuhrman-Foreman, Roudebush, McNaghten, Mundorf, Traut-Trout, Little and Brown, Diehl
v. 10. Beals-Bails, Binder, Bender, Peter-Peters, Pressel, Schultz, Hess, Elicker, Cronemiller, Grier-Greer, Stoner-Steiner
v. 11. Peter family of Switzerland and Lehigh County, Pennsylvania; Griffith (missing from book and film); Griest; Garretson; Tyson; Farquhar of Pennsylvania and Maryland; Cook and Hussey; Rights
v. 12. de Beelen-Bertholff, Gordon, Barnitz, Gormeny, Hoffheins, Houts, Zimmerman & Carpenter, Dubs, Boshor
v. 13. Reeser, Finley, Speer, Resser, Ruhl, Stentz, Test, Strickler
v. 14. Ratz, Hess, Herman-Harman, Kunkel
v. 15. Wallace, Schultz, Coleman, Stabler-Stabley, Manifold
v. 16. Vore-Voar, Felty-Velty-Welty, Elliot, Bott, Ratts, Runkel-Runkle, Hipple, Herman and Harman, Strickler of Lancster Co., Kump
v. 17 pt. 1. Eichelberger, Black, Williams
v. 17 pt. 2. Grimes and Graham, Moore, Spitler
v. 18 pt. 1. Gossler, Armor, Lehman, Bushong, Cramer, Hendricks-Henderson, Stough-Stauch
v. 18 pt. 2. Konig and King, Epler, Furman, Schaeffer
v. 19 pt. 1. Barnitz, Kenworthy, Bahn, Weisang, Maximilian Marbourg, Sipe, Strawbridge, Blessing, Anderson, Beard, Waltemeyer ...
Bahn Bible records from York County, Pennsylvania
v. 19 pt. 2. Wohlgemuth, Lanius, How-Howe, Bott, Underwood, Hantz, Altland
v. 20 pt. 1. Häffner, Eichholtz, Hershner, Sauer, Marshall & Marschall
v. 20 pt. 2. Wolf, will of Charles Barnitz, Heilman, Witmyer, Lobach, Schreiner, Richey
v. 21 pt. 1. Lilly, McChord, Michael Sprenckel family, Rupert, Kreider, Schwartz, Bruce, Harper, Fitz
v. 21 pt. 2. Sharp, Kniseley, Shigley, Busser, Sands, Tyson and Dise
v. 22 pt. 1. Ruth and Root, Sinclair, Eschbach, Parker, Cooper, Caldwell, Strong, Ziegler
v. 22 pt. 2. McJimsey, Fulton, Shively, Gantzert, Jameson, McGowan-McQuown, Dunn
v. 23 pt. 1. Klinefelter, Schlegel, Sinnard, Welsh, Bossert
v. 23 pt. 2. Weigel, Swoope, Maxwell, Stein, Menges
v. 24 pt. 1. Crone, Decker, Fickes, Hyde, Croll, Robinson
v. 24 pt. 2. Purdy, Hoff, Rebert, Josi, Hussey, Updegraff, Good, Wagner
v. 26 pt. 1. Donnell, Neiman, Hill, Howard, Emenheiser, Gardner, Baumgardner
v. 26 pt. 2. Weitzel, Wiley, Cuppy-Cuppet, McKesson, Taylor, Lentz, Horn
v. 27. Warren, Kann, Ewing, Fetrow, Faris, Bowmund (Schmeisser), Bear, Sensenig, Powell, Reisinger
v. 29. Cramer, Squibb, Kinard, Weidman, Holder, Bruch, Kuhn, Shugart, How-Howe
v. 30 pt. 1. Gitt-Kitt, Landis, Litton-Litten, Clemmer-Clemens, McClellan
v. 30 pt. 2. Rothrock-Ruthrauff, Eyler-Oyler, Eichholtz, Sharp, Todd, Bishop
v. 31 pt.1. Bowers, Dünckel-Dinkle, Laux-Loucks, Benford-Benfer, Copeland, Ayres
v. 31 pt. 2. Wire-Weyer, Will-Wills, McConaughy, Fischer- Fisher
v. 32 pt. 1. Cook-Koch, Barshinger, Sieling, Sutor, Souder, Hickenlooper, Crum, McIntire
v. 32 pt. 2. Douglas, Linn, Black, Hartman
v. 33 pt. 1. Shenberger, Armstrong, Love, Everitt, Hewitt, Barnett, Graybill
v. 33 pt. 2. Crawford, Rowland, Swan, Crow-Kroh, Ellicker, Campbell
v. 34. Bryan-O'Brian, Roser, Paxton, Ensminger, Galbraith, Davis, Edmundson, Fortney, Dewald, Dehoff ...
v. 35 pt. 1. Baublitz, Gallentine-Ballentine, Inloze, Trostle-Troxall-Trexler, Cosine, Bercaw-Brokaw, Kister, Barnhart- Bernhard, Ament, Wilt, Berkley-Berckle, Bartlett-Bartley
v. 35 pt. 2. Hetrick, Gohn, Lawson, Hosack, Krout, Huntsicker-Holtzinger
v. 36. Beitzel, Billmeyer, Carl, Chandlee, Cloninger, Diehl, Dunlap, Ehrhart, Entler, Fickel, Friedley-Fritzlein-Friedline, Ganshorn-Goshorn, Gaul, Gilliland, Glass, Glatfelter- Smyser, Glen, Hartzell-Hartzler, Hedick, Householder
v. 37. Irion and Irons, Julius, Knisley, Kraut, Kreiss, McGrew, Marsh, Morrison, Shoemaker, Smeltzer, Sprenkle, Stehly, Upaugh, Wilson, Winebrenner, Wise and White
v. 38. Berkheimer, Creager, Freed, Rosenmiller, Kopp, Thomas, Abel, Green, Streher, Schmisser-Smyser, Stoehr, Young, Book list of Friends records of Baltimore Yearly Meeting.
Bentzel data in York County, Pennsylvania
Birth records extracted from Daniel Stoehr's account book no. 2 / owned by J. William Stair, York, Pa.
Black bible records from Lebanon County, Pennsylvania
Book list of Friends' records in the fire-proof vault of the Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Park Avenue, City of Baltimore, State of Maryland / [Harriet P. Marine and Luella Mendenhall]
Buchanan family of Scotland, Ireland, Pennsylvania and various parts of the U. S. / compiled from court records, cemetery inscriptions, church records, printed histories, etc
Bushong data; church records in York County, Pennsylvania / translated by Henry James Young
Cook and Hussey genealogical notes from York County, Pennsylvania
Copy of Beard data obtained from Mrs. Ralph Cannon, 1932
Cramers in America; Philip Cramer and his genealogy / compiled and published by Monroe Myers Feeser
Descendants of Reinhart Bott, York County, Pennsylvania, in Washington County, Indiana / Mrs. Harvey Morris, genealogist
An Epler family / from a German Bible owned by Henry James Young
Evidences of Garrett families of Baltimore County, Maryland 1664-1838 : report of research in the Superior Court building at Baltimore / [by] the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, genealogist; assisted by Donald V. Gnau
Evidences of Maximilian Marbourg in York County, Pennsylvania / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Alexander families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Altland families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Armor families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Armstrong families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Ayres family of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Baker and Becker families in York County before the year 1840 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Barnett families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Barnitz families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Barshinger families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Bartlett-Bartley families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Baublitz families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Baumgardner families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Beals-Bails families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Bechtel families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Beitzel families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Bender families in York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Benford-Benfer families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Bentz-Pentz families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Berkheimer families of York County before the year 1850 / Nell W. Reeser, research assistant
Evidences of the Berkley-Berckle families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Billmeyer families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Binder families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Bishop families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Black families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Bossert families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Bott families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Bowers families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Bruce families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Bruch families of York County before the year 1850 year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Brungart families in York County before the yeara 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Bryan-O'Brian families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Busser families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Böshor families of York County prior to the year 1875 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Caldwell families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Campbell families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Chandlee families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Clemmer-Clemens families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Cloninger families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Coleman families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Collins families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Cook-Koch families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Cooper families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Copeland family of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Cormeny families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Cramer families of York County before the year 1850 : revised report / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Crawford families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Creager families of York County before the year 1850 / Nell W. Reeser, research assistant
Evidences of the Croft-Kraft families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Croll, Krall and Crowel families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Crone families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Cronemiller families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Crow-Kroh families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Crum families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Cuppy-Cuppet families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Davis families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Dehoff families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Dewald families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Diehl families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Donnell families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Doudel families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Douglas families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Dunlap families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Dunn families of York and Adams counties before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Dünckel-Dinkle families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Ebert family in York County from 1696 to 1840 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Edmundson families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Ehrhart families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Eichelberger families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Eichholtz families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Ellicker families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Elliott families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Emenheiser families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Emig families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Ensminger families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Entler families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Eschbach families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Everitt families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Ewing families of York County before the year 1850 / [Henry James Young]
Evidences of the Eyler-Oyler families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Faris families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Felty-Velty-Welty families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Fenstermacher families of Lancaster County before 1840 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Fetrow families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Fickel families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Fickes families of York and Adams counties before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Finley families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Fischer-Fisher families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Fitz families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Foltz-Fultz families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Fortney families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Freed families of York County before the year 1850 / Nell W. Reeser, research assistant
Evidences of the Friedly-Fritzlein-Friedline families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Fuhrman-Foreman families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Fulton families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Galbraith families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Gallentine-Ballentine families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Ganshorn-Goshorn families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Gantzert families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Gardner families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Gilliland families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Gitt-Kitt families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Glass families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Glen families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Goetz-Getz-Gates families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Gohn families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Gordon families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Gossler families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Graybill families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Grier-Greer families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Grimes-Graham families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Haas-Hass-Hose family in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Hamilton families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Hantz families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Harper families of York County before the year 1860 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Hartman families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Hartzell-Hartzler families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Hedich families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Heilman families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Hendricks-Henderson families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Herman and Harman families in Adams County, Pennsylvania, 1800-1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Herman-Harman families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Hershner families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Hess families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Hetrick families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Hewitt families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Hickenlooper families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Hill families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Hipple families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Hoff families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Hoffheins families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Holder families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Horn families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Hosack families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Householder families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Houts families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the How-Howe families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Howard families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Huntsicker-Holtzinger families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Hyde families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Häffner families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Ickes families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Inloze families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Irion and Irons families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Jameson families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Julius families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Kann families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Kenworthy families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Kinard families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Klinefelter families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Kniseley families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Kopp families of York County before the year 1850 / Nell W. Reeser, research assistant
Evidences of the Kreider families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Krout families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Kuhn families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Kump families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Kunkel families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the König-King families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Landis families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Lanius families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Laux-Loucks families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Lawson families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Lehman families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Leininger families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Lentz families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Lerew families of York County / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, genealogist
Evidences of the Lilly families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Linn families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Litton-Litten families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Lobach families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Love families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Mansperger families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Marchall and Marschall families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Marsh families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Maughlin and Marlin families in York County before the year 1840 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Maxwell families of York and Adams counties before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the McChord families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the McClellan families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the McConaughy families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the McGowan-McQuown families of York and Adams counties before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the McGrew families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the McIntire families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the McJimsey families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the McKesson families of York and Adams counties before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the McNaghten families in York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Menges families of York County before the year 1850 : revised report / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Moore families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Morrison families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Mundorf families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Myers families of York and Adams counties before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Neiman families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Noel-Noell-Nell families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Palmer families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Parker families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Paxton families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Peter-Peters families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Powell families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Ratz families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Reeser families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Reisinger families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Resser families of York and Adams counties / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Richey families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Robinson families of York County before the year 1850 : a partial report / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Rohrbach & Robach families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young
Evidences of the Rosenmiller families of York County before the year 1850 / Nell W. Reeser, research assistant
Evidences of the Roser families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Rothrock-Ruthrauff families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Roudebush families in York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Rowland families of York county before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Ruhl families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Runkel-Runkle families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Rupert families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Ruth and Root families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Sands families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Sauer families of York County before the year 1850; also further evidences of the Sauer families from the records in the Court House at Gettysburg, 1800-1885 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Schaeffer families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Schreiner families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Schwartz families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Sensenig families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Sharp families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Shenberger families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Shigley families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Shively families of York County before the year 1850 / [Henry James Young]
Evidences of the Shoemaker families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Sieling families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Sinclair families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Sinnard families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Sipe families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Smith and Schmidt families in York County before the year 1840 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Souder families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Spitler families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Squibb families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Stabler-Stabley families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Stauffer families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Stehly families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Stein families of York and Adams counties before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Stentz families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Stoner-Steiner families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Stough-Stauch families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Strawbridge families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Strickler families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Strong families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Sutor families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Swan families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Swoope families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Taylor families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Test families of York County prior to the year 1850
Evidences of the Thomas families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Thomas, Dohm and Toomey families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Todd families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Traut-Trout families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Treichler and Dreichler families in York County before the year 1840 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Trostle-Troxall-Trexler families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Tyson and Dise families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Underwood families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Vore-Voar families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Wagner families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Wahl & Wall families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Wallace families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Waltemeyer families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Warren families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Weaverling families in York County before the year 1850 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Weidman families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Evidences of the Weigel families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Weisang families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Weitzel families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Welsh families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Wiley families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Will-Wills families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Williams families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Wilson-Willson families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Winebrenner families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Wintrode families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Wire-Weyer families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Wise and White families of York County before the year 1850 / Edith Beard Cannon, researcher
Evidences of the Witmyer families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Evidences of the Wohlgemuth families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Wolf families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Evidences of the Ziegler families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
Furman genealogy / copy of letter written by Elisha Furman to his daughter Mrs. Sarah Furman Stone
Genealogy / by John Hume Manifold
Genealogy of a portion of the Barnitz family of Pennsylvania / by Eric Barnitz
Genealogy of Casparius and Ann Garretson
Genealogy of John Fisher clockmaker and Barbara Lightner his wife of "Yorktown," Pennsylvania, and their descendants, with some account of collateral branches / by James Alexander Kell
Hanna Hussey records from records of Menallen Monthly Meeting / [Gilbert Cope]
The Hart family of York County / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, genealogist
How-Howe report; supplement : Adams County (Pennsylvania) cemetery inscriptions
Josi family, 1731 / Henry James Young
King families; cemetery inscriptions from York and Adams counties [Pennsylvania]
Kissinger family Bible records
Kline and Little families of York and Adams counties / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, genealogist
Little and Brown data in Maryland
Marriages of members of the Updegraff family taken from records of Warrington, York and Abington Monthly Meetings
Maryland Farquhar chart / loaned to E.B.M.G. by Roger Brooke Farquhar
Memorandum regarding the Griest family / received from Albert Cook Myers, September 20, 1941
Michael Sprenckel and his family / by Henry James Young
Miller families cemetery inscriptions, York County, Pennsylvania / transcripts, The Historical Society of York County
Oswald Dubs family of York County, Pennsylvania / by Lida Bowman Meckley
A partial report of the Strickler families of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
A partial report on evidences of the Decker families of York County before the year 1850 / Henry James Young, director
A partial report on evidences of the Schultz families of York County prior to the year 1850 : A complementary report ... completing the report begun in Volume X, p. 57 / Henry James Young, researcher
Peter family in Switzerland from 1630 to 1738 when Caspar Peter and his family emigrated to Northampton County, now Lehigh County, Pennsylvania / compiled by H. Schulthess of Zurich
Rebert data in York and Adams counties, Pennsylvania
Report of the Flinchbaugh family of York County 1729-1840 / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, genealogist
A revised report on the evidences of the Purdy families of York County before the year 1840 / Henry James Young, director
The Rex family of Whitehall Township, Northampton County, and Menallen Township, York County / by the Historical Society of York County ; Henry James Young, genealogist
Runk data in York County, Pennsylvania
Schmeiser-Smyser bible records in the Historical Society of York County, Pennsylvania
Services in the Revolution of the Bott families of York County, Pennsylvania / Henry James Young, researcher
Shugart families of York County; supplementary report
Some evidences of the Elicker family in Adams County, Pennsylvania
Some evidences of the Zimmerman and Carpenter families of York County prior to the year 1850 / Henry James Young, researcher
Some notes on the Christopher Schlegel family
Some records of the Lilly families of Adams County, Pennsylvania / Henry James Young, director
A Speer family / compiled by Harry Speer Rush
Sprenkle; services in the Revolution
Supplementary report of the Eichholtz families of York County / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Supplementary report of the Sharp families of York County / Edith Beard Cannon, genealogist
Upaugh; services in the Revolution
The Welsh and Spangler families, 1737-1939 / by Robert E. Spangler
Will of Charles Barnitz made in 1796 in York County, Pennsylvania
Wilson family bible record
Young bible record in Historical Society of York County, Pennsylvania